

移動: 案内, 検索
880行: 880行:
=== Turtle形式(insdc2ttl.rb由来) ===
=== Turtle形式(using insdc2ttl.rb) ===
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .

2015年11月12日 (木) 03:06時点における最新版




Biointerchange 1.0でRDFに変換

%gem install biointerchange
Fetching: biointerchange-1.0.8.gem (100%)
Successfully installed biointerchange-1.0.8
Parsing documentation for biointerchange-1.0.8
Installing ri documentation for biointerchange-1.0.8
Done installing documentation for biointerchange after 15 seconds
1 gem installed

%/Users/tf/.rbenv/shims/biointerchange --input biointerchange.gff3 --rdf rdf.biointerchange.gfvo --file >

Biointerchange 2.0でRDFに変換

biointerchange2.0を試用してGFF3をRDFに変換する (GeneBank→)GFF3→ JSON-LD → RDF

  • GenBank → GFF3
  • GFF3→ JSON-LD (Line Delimited JSON-LD)
%biointerchange -v
%biointerchange -o 

  • JSON-LD → Turtle
to_turtle.rb >
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'json/ld'

jsonld = "./"
graph =
i = 0 do |line|
  input = JSON.parse line
  #JSON::LD::API.toRDF(input){|st| p st} 
  graph << JSON::LD::API.toRdf(input)

require 'rdf/turtle'
puts graph.dump(:ttl, :prefixes => {:gfvosquared  => ""})



LOCUS       NC_000911            3573470 bp    DNA     circular CON 17-AUG-2015
DEFINITION  Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome.
ACCESSION   NC_000911 NZ_AB001339 NZ_D63999-NZ_D64006 NZ_D90899-NZ_D90917
VERSION     NC_000911.1  GI:16329170
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA224116
            Assembly: GCF_000009725.1
SOURCE      Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
  ORGANISM  Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
            Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Oscillatoriophycideae; Chroococcales;
  AUTHORS   Kaneko,T., Sato,S., Kotani,H., Tanaka,A., Asamizu,E., Nakamura,Y.,
            Miyajima,N., Hirosawa,M., Sugiura,M., Sasamoto,S., Kimura,T.,
            Hosouchi,T., Matsuno,A., Muraki,A., Nakazaki,N., Naruo,K.,
            Okumura,S., Shimpo,S., Takeuchi,C., Wada,T., Watanabe,A.,
            Yamada,M., Yasuda,M. and Tabata,S.
  TITLE     Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium
            Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. II. Sequence determination of the
            entire genome and assignment of potential protein-coding regions
  JOURNAL   DNA Res. 3 (3), 109-136 (1996)
   PUBMED   8905231
  AUTHORS   Kaneko,T., Tanaka,A., Sato,S., Kotani,H., Sazuka,T., Miyajima,N.,
            Sugiura,M. and Tabata,S.
  TITLE     Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium
            Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. I. Sequence features in the 1 Mb
            region from map positions 64% to 92% of the genome
  JOURNAL   DNA Res. 2 (4), 153-166 (1995)
   PUBMED   8590279
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 3573470)
  AUTHORS   Tabata,S.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (03-JUL-2001) Contact:Satoshi Tabata Kazusa DNA Research
            Institute, The First Laboratory for Plant Gene Research; Yana
            1532-3, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan URL
COMMENT     REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from
            Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of
            similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis.
            Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation
            Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be
            found here:
            Annotation Provider                    :: NCBI
            Annotation Date                        :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20
            Annotation Pipeline                    :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome
                                                      Annotation Pipeline
            Annotation Method                      :: Best-placed reference
                                                      protein set; GeneMarkS+
            Annotation Software revision           :: 3.0
            Features Annotated                     :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA;
                                                      ncRNA; repeat_region
            Genes                                  :: 3,673
            CDS                                    :: 3,602
            Pseudo Genes                           :: 23
            CRISPR Arrays                          :: 3
            rRNAs                                  :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S)
            complete rRNAs                         :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S)
            tRNAs                                  :: 41
            ncRNA                                  :: 1
            Frameshifted Genes                     :: 13
            Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs     :: 3
            Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..3573470
                     /organism="Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
     gene            join(3573271..3573470,1..772)
     CDS             join(3573271..3573470,1..772)
                     /inference="EXISTENCE: similar to AA
                     /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
                     gene prediction method: Protein Homology."
                     /product="Prenyl transferase"
     gene            937..1494
     CDS             937..1494
                     /inference="EXISTENCE: similar to AA
                     /note="Uncharacterized RNA pseudouridine synthase slr0612;
                     Derived by automated computational analysis using gene
                     prediction method: Protein Homology."
                     /product="hypothetical protein"


##gff-version 3
# sequence-region NC_000911 1 3573470
# conversion-by
# organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
# date 17-AUG-2015
# Note Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome.
NC_000911	GenBank	region	1	3573470	.	+	1	ID=NC_000911;Dbxref=GenBank:GCF_000009725.1,taxon:1148;Name=NC_000911;Note=Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA%2C complete genome.,REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set,GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene,CDS,rRNA,tRNA,ncRNA,repeat_region Genes :: 3,673 CDS :: 3,602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) complete rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ;comment1=REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set%3B GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene%3B CDS%3B rRNA%3B tRNA%3B ncRNA%3B repeat_region Genes :: 3%2C673 CDS :: 3%2C602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) complete rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ;date=17-AUG-2015;mol_type=genomic DNA;organism=Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
NC_000911	GenBank	gene	3573271	3573470	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01875;Name=SGL_RS01875;old_locus_tag=slr0611
NC_000911	GenBank	gene	1	772	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01875;Name=SGL_RS01875;old_locus_tag=slr0611
NC_000911	GenBank	mRNA	1	3573470	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01875.t01;Parent=SGL_RS01875
NC_000911	GenBank	CDS	3573271	3573470	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01875.p01;Parent=SGL_RS01875.t01;Dbxref=GI:499173620;Name=SGL_RS01875;Note=Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.;codon_start=1;inference=EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2;old_locus_tag=slr0611;product=Prenyl transferase;protein_id=WP_010871207.1;transl_table=11
NC_000911	GenBank	CDS	1	772	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01875.p01;Parent=SGL_RS01875.t01;Dbxref=GI:499173620;Name=SGL_RS01875;Note=Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.;codon_start=1;inference=EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2;old_locus_tag=slr0611;product=Prenyl transferase;protein_id=WP_010871207.1;transl_table=11
NC_000911	GenBank	exon	3573271	3573470	.	+	1	Parent=SGL_RS01875.t01
NC_000911	GenBank	exon	1	772	.	+	1	Parent=SGL_RS01875.t01
NC_000911	GenBank	gene	937	1494	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01880;Name=SGL_RS01880;old_locus_tag=slr0612
NC_000911	GenBank	mRNA	937	1494	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01880.t01;Parent=SGL_RS01880
NC_000911	GenBank	CDS	937	1494	.	+	1	ID=SGL_RS01880.p01;Parent=SGL_RS01880.t01;Dbxref=GI:499173621;Name=SGL_RS01880;Note=Uncharacterized RNA pseudouridine synthase slr0612%3B Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.;codon_start=1;inference=EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_010871208.1;old_locus_tag=slr0612;product=hypothetical protein;protein_id=WP_010871208.1;transl_table=11


{"@context":"","@type":"","comment":"sequence-region NC_000911 1 3573470\nconversion-by\norganism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803\ndate 17-AUG-2015\nNote Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome.","id":"NC_000911","name":"NC_000911","note":"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA%2C complete genome.,REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set,GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene,CDS,rRNA,tRNA,ncRNA,repeat_region Genes :: 3,673 CDS :: 3,602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) complete rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ","source":"GenBank","type":"region","score":null,"codon-phase":1,"dbxref":["GenBank:GCF_000009725.1","taxon:1148"],"locus":{"landmark":"NC_000911","start":1,"end":3573470,"strand":"+"},"user-defined":{"comment1":"REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set%3B GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene%3B CDS%3B rRNA%3B tRNA%3B ncRNA%3B repeat_region Genes :: 3%2C673 CDS :: 3%2C602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) complete rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ","date":"17-AUG-2015","mol_type":"genomic DNA","organism":"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"}}
{"@context":"","@type":"","id":"SGL_RS01875.p01","name":"SGL_RS01875","note":"Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.","source":"GenBank","type":"CDS","score":null,"codon-phase":1,"parent":["SGL_RS01875.t01"],"dbxref":["GI:499173620"],"locus":{"landmark":"NC_000911","start":3573271,"end":3573470,"strand":"+"},"user-defined":{"codon_start":1,"inference":"EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2","old_locus_tag":"slr0611","product":"Prenyl transferase","protein_id":"WP_010871207.1","transl_table":11}}
{"@context":"","@type":"","id":"SGL_RS01875.p01","name":"SGL_RS01875","note":"Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.","source":"GenBank","type":"CDS","score":null,"codon-phase":1,"parent":["SGL_RS01875.t01"],"dbxref":["GI:499173620"],"locus":{"landmark":"NC_000911","start":1,"end":772,"strand":"+"},"user-defined":{"codon_start":1,"inference":"EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2","old_locus_tag":"slr0611","product":"Prenyl transferase","protein_id":"WP_010871207.1","transl_table":11}}
{"@context":"","@type":"","id":"SGL_RS01880.p01","name":"SGL_RS01880","note":"Uncharacterized RNA pseudouridine synthase slr0612%3B Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.","source":"GenBank","type":"CDS","score":null,"codon-phase":1,"parent":["SGL_RS01880.t01"],"dbxref":["GI:499173621"],"locus":{"landmark":"NC_000911","start":937,"end":1494,"strand":"+"},"user-defined":{"codon_start":1,"inference":"EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_010871208.1","old_locus_tag":"slr0612","product":"hypothetical protein","protein_id":"WP_010871208.1","transl_table":11}}

Turtle形式 (biointerchange1.0由来)

@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix faldo: <> .
@prefix gfvo: <> .
@prefix sio: <> .
@base <biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941/> .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> a gfvo:File ;
    gfvo:hasIdentifier <version> .
<version> a gfvo:Version ;
    gfvo:hasValue "gff-version 3.0" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/NC_000911> .
<feature/NC_000911> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> .
<landmark/NC_000911> a gfvo:Landmark ;
    gfvo:hasIdentifier <landmark/NC_000911/id> .
<landmark/NC_000911/id> gfvo:hasValue "NC_000911" .
<landmark/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <landmark/NC_000911/region> .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/NC_000911/source> .
<feature/NC_000911/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/NC_000911/phase> .
<feature/NC_000911/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasPart <feature/NC_000911/locus> .
<feature/NC_000911/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/NC_000911/locus/region> .
<feature/NC_000911/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/NC_000911/locus/region/start> .
<feature/NC_000911/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 1 .
<feature/NC_000911/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/NC_000911/locus/region/end> .
<feature/NC_000911/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/NC_000911/locus/region/start> faldo:position 3573470 .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/NC_000911/id> .
<feature/NC_000911/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "NC_000911" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:references <feature/NC_000911/dbxref/GenBank> .
<feature/NC_000911/dbxref/GenBank> a gfvo:ExternalReference .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:references <feature/NC_000911/attribute/dbxref/0> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/dbxref/0> a gfvo:ExternalReference ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank:GCF_000009725.1" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:references <feature/NC_000911/dbxref/taxon> .
<feature/NC_000911/dbxref/taxon> a gfvo:ExternalReference .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:references <feature/NC_000911/attribute/dbxref/1> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/dbxref/1> a gfvo:ExternalReference ;
    gfvo:hasValue "taxon:1148" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/name> .
<feature/NC_000911/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "NC_000911" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/0> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/0> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome." .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/1> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/1> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/2> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/2> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/3> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/3> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "CDS" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/4> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/4> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "rRNA" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/5> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/5> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "tRNA" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/6> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/6> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "ncRNA" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/7> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/7> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "repeat_region Genes :: 3" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/8> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/8> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "673 CDS :: 3" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/9> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/9> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/10> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/10> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "2" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/11> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/11> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "2 (5S" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/12> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/12> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "16S" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/13> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/13> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "23S) complete rRNAs :: 2" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/14> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/14> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "2" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/15> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/15> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "2 (5S" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/16> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/16> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "16S" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/NC_000911/note/17> .
<feature/NC_000911/note/17> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length." .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/attribute/comment1> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/comment1> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set; GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA; ncRNA; repeat_region Genes :: 3,673 CDS :: 3,602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S) complete rRNAs :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length." .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/comment1/tag/comment1> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "comment1" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/attribute/date> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/date> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "17-AUG-2015" .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/date/tag/date> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "date" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/attribute/mol_type> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/mol_type> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "genomic DNA" .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/mol_type/tag/mol_type> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "mol_type" .
<feature/NC_000911> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911/attribute/organism> .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/organism> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803" .
<feature/NC_000911/attribute/organism/tag/organism> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "organism" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01875> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01875/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01875/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 3573271 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> faldo:position 3573470 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01875/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0611" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "old_locus_tag" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01875> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01875/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01875/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/locus/region/start> faldo:position 772 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01875/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0611" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "old_locus_tag" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/locus/region/start> faldo:position 3573470 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875.t01" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01875> .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 3573271 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> faldo:position 3573470 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875.p01" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> ;
    gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/dbxref/GI> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/dbxref/GI> a gfvo:ExternalReference .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/dbxref/2> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/dbxref/2> a gfvo:ExternalReference ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GI:499173620" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/note/0> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/note/0> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "1" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start/tag/codon_start> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "codon_start" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference/tag/inference> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "inference" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0611" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "old_locus_tag" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Prenyl transferase" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product/tag/product> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "product" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/protein_id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/protein_id> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "WP_010871207.1" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/protein_id/tag/protein_id> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "protein_id" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "11" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table/tag/transl_table> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "transl_table" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 1 .
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<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/locus/region/start> faldo:position 772 .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875.p01" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> ;
    gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/dbxref/GI> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/dbxref/GI> a gfvo:ExternalReference .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/dbxref/3> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/dbxref/3> a gfvo:ExternalReference ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GI:499173620" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01875" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/note/0> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/note/0> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "1" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/codon_start/tag/codon_start> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "codon_start" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/inference/tag/inference> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "inference" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0611" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "old_locus_tag" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Prenyl transferase" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/product/tag/product> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "product" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/protein_id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/protein_id> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "WP_010871207.1" .
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    gfvo:hasValue "protein_id" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table> .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "11" .
<feature/SGL_RS01875.p01/attribute/transl_table/tag/transl_table> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "transl_table" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/source> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/phase> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1> gfvo:hasPart <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region/start> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 3573271 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region/end> .
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<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1/locus/region/start> faldo:position 3573470 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,3573271,3573470,2,1> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/source> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/phase> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1> gfvo:hasPart <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region> .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region/start> .
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    faldo:position 1 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region/end> .
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<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1/locus/region/start> faldo:position 772 .
<feature/NC_000911,GenBank,,1,772,2,1> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01875.t01> .
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<feature/SGL_RS01880> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01880/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01880/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01880/locus> .
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    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01880/locus/region> .
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    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01880/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 937 .
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<feature/SGL_RS01880/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01880" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01880" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0612" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "old_locus_tag" .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 937 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/locus/region/start> faldo:position 1494 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01880.t01" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01880> .
<biointerchange://gff3/featureset/self/ba2f6e614a28f25e528d249702161dc812ceb941> gfvo:hasMember <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> a gfvo:Feature ,
        <> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <landmark/NC_000911> ;
    gfvo:isCreatedBy <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/source> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/source> a gfvo:ExperimentalMethod ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GenBank" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasQuality <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/phase> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/phase> a gfvo:CodingFrameOffset ;
    gfvo:hasValue 1 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasPart <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus> a gfvo:Locus ;
    gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region> ;
    gfvo:isLocatedOn <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region> a faldo:Region ;
    faldo:begin <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region/start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region/start> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition ;
    faldo:position 937 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region> faldo:end <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region/end> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region/end> a faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/locus/region/start> faldo:position 1494 .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasIdentifier <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/id> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/id> a gfvo:Identifier ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01880.p01" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasSource <feature/SGL_RS01880.t01> ;
    gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/dbxref/GI> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/dbxref/GI> a gfvo:ExternalReference .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:references <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/dbxref/4> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/dbxref/4> a gfvo:ExternalReference ;
    gfvo:hasValue "GI:499173621" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/name> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/name> a gfvo:Name ;
    gfvo:hasValue "SGL_RS01880" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasAnnotation <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/note/0> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/note/0> a gfvo:Note ;
    gfvo:hasValue "Uncharacterized RNA pseudouridine synthase slr0612; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/codon_start> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/codon_start> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "1" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/codon_start/tag/codon_start> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "codon_start" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/inference> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/inference> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_010871208.1" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/inference/tag/inference> a gfvo:Label ;
    gfvo:hasValue "inference" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01> gfvo:hasAttribute <feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:InformationContentEntity ;
    gfvo:hasValue "slr0612" .
<feature/SGL_RS01880.p01/attribute/old_locus_tag/tag/old_locus_tag> a gfvo:Label ;

Turtle形式 (biointerchange2.0由来)

@prefix gfvosquared: <> .

    a gfvosquared:Context;
    gfvosquared:biointerchangeVersion "2.0.4+105";
    gfvosquared:inputFile "";
    gfvosquared:inputFiletype "GFF3";
    gfvosquared:outputFile ""
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Meta;
    gfvosquared:gffVersion "3"
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:comment """sequence-region NC_000911 1 3573470
organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
date 17-AUG-2015
Note Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome.""";
    gfvosquared:dbxref ("GenBank:GCF_000009725.1" "taxon:1148");
    gfvosquared:id "NC_000911";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 3573470;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 1;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "region";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-name "NC_000911";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-note "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA%2C complete genome.,REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set,GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene,CDS,rRNA,tRNA,ncRNA,repeat_region Genes :: 3,673 CDS :: 3,602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) complete rRNAs :: 2,2,2 (5S,16S,23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ";
    gfvosquared:userDefined [
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-comment1 "REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from BA000022. Potential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of similarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis. Annotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be found here: ##Genome-Annotation-Data-START## Annotation Provider :: NCBI Annotation Date :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20 Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline Annotation Method :: Best-placed reference protein set%3B GeneMarkS+ Annotation Software revision :: 3.0 Features Annotated :: Gene%3B CDS%3B rRNA%3B tRNA%3B ncRNA%3B repeat_region Genes :: 3%2C673 CDS :: 3%2C602 Pseudo Genes :: 23 CRISPR Arrays :: 3 rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) complete rRNAs :: 2%2C 2%2C 2 (5S%2C 16S%2C 23S) tRNAs :: 41 ncRNA :: 1 Frameshifted Genes :: 13 Frameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs :: 3 Frameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2 ##Genome-Annotation-Data-END## COMPLETENESS: full length. ";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-date "17-AUG-2015";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-mol_type "genomic DNA";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-organism "Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803"
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 772;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 1;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "exon";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-parent "SGL_RS01875.t01"
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 3573470;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 3573271;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "exon";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-parent "SGL_RS01875.t01"
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:dbxref ("GI:499173620");
    gfvosquared:id "SGL_RS01875.p01";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 772;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 1;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "CDS";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-name "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-note "Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-parent "SGL_RS01875.t01";
    gfvosquared:userDefined [
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-codon_start 1;
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-inference "EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-old_locus_tag "slr0611";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-product "Prenyl transferase";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-protein_id "WP_010871207.1";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-transl_table 11
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:dbxref ("GI:499173620");
    gfvosquared:id "SGL_RS01875.p01";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 3573470;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 3573271;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "CDS";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-name "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-note "Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology.";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-parent "SGL_RS01875.t01";
    gfvosquared:userDefined [
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-codon_start 1;
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-inference "EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-old_locus_tag "slr0611";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-product "Prenyl transferase";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-protein_id "WP_010871207.1";
      gfvosquared:unknownProperty-transl_table 11
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:id "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 3573470;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 3573271;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "gene";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-name "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:userDefined [ gfvosquared:unknownProperty-old_locus_tag "slr0611"]
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:id "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 772;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 1;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "gene";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-name "SGL_RS01875";
    gfvosquared:userDefined [ gfvosquared:unknownProperty-old_locus_tag "slr0611"]
 ] .

    a gfvosquared:Feature;
    gfvosquared:codonPhase 1;
    gfvosquared:id "SGL_RS01875.t01";
    gfvosquared:locus [
      gfvosquared:end 3573470;
      gfvosquared:landmark "NC_000911";
      gfvosquared:start 1;
      gfvosquared:strand "+"
    gfvosquared:source "GenBank";
    gfvosquared:type "mRNA";
    gfvosquared:unknownProperty-parent "SGL_RS01875"
 ] .

Turtle形式(using insdc2ttl.rb)

@prefix	rdf:	<> .
@prefix	rdfs:	<> .
@prefix	xsd:	<> .
@prefix	skos:	<> .
@prefix	sio:	<> .
@prefix	obo:	<> .
@prefix	faldo:	<> .
@prefix	insdc:	<> .
@prefix	insdcdiv:	<> .
@prefix	insdcref:	<> .

<>	rdf:type	insdc:Entry .
<>	insdc:definition	"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome." .
<>	rdfs:label	"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 DNA, complete genome." .
<>	insdc:sequence_version	"NC_000911.1" .
<>	insdc:sequence_date	"2015-08-17"^^xsd:date .
<>	insdc:sequence	<> .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000001 .  # SO:sequence
<>	insdc:sequence_length	3573470 .
<>	insdc:topology	insdc:circular .
<>	obo:so_has_quality	obo:SO_0000988 .  # SO:circular
<>	insdc:division	insdcdiv:CON .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"GI:16329170" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:GI .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	insdc:dblink	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"PRJNA224116" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:BioProject .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	insdc:keyword	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"RefSeq" .
<>	insdc:source	"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803" .
<>	insdc:organism	"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803" .
<>	insdc:taxonomy	"Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Oscillatoriophycideae; Chroococcales; Synechocystis." .
<>	insdc:reference	<> .
<>	sio:SIO_000300	1 .  # sio:has-value
<>	insdcref:title	"Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. II. Sequence determination of the entire genome and assignment of potential protein-coding regions" .
<>	insdcref:author	"Kaneko, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sato, S." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Kotani, H." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Tanaka, A." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Asamizu, E." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Nakamura, Y." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Miyajima, N." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Hirosawa, M." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sugiura, M." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sasamoto, S." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Kimura, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Hosouchi, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Matsuno, A." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Muraki, A." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Nakazaki, N." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Naruo, K." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Okumura, S." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Shimpo, S." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Takeuchi, C." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Wada, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Watanabe, A." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Yamada, M." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Yasuda, M." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Tabata, S." .
<>	insdcref:journal	"DNA Res." .
<>	insdcref:volume	"3" .
<>	insdcref:issue	"3" .
<>	insdcref:pages	"109-136" .
<>	insdcref:year	"1996" .
<>	insdcref:pubmed	"8905231" .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"8905231" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:PubMed .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	insdc:reference	<> .
<>	sio:SIO_000300	2 .  # sio:has-value
<>	insdcref:title	"Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. I. Sequence features in the 1 Mb region from map positions 64% to 92% of the genome" .
<>	insdcref:author	"Kaneko, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Tanaka, A." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sato, S." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Kotani, H." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sazuka, T." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Miyajima, N." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Sugiura, M." .
<>	insdcref:author	"Tabata, S." .
<>	insdcref:journal	"DNA Res." .
<>	insdcref:volume	"2" .
<>	insdcref:issue	"4" .
<>	insdcref:pages	"153-166" .
<>	insdcref:year	"1995" .
<>	insdcref:pubmed	"8590279" .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"8590279" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:PubMed .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	insdc:reference	<> .
<>	sio:SIO_000300	3 .  # sio:has-value
<>	insdcref:title	"Direct Submission" .
<>	insdcref:author	"Tabata, S." .
<>	insdcref:journal	"Submitted (03-JUL-2001) Contact:Satoshi Tabata Kazusa DNA Research Institute, The First Laboratory for Plant Gene Research; Yana 1532-3, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan URL :" .
<>	insdc:comment	"REFSEQ INFORMATION: The reference sequence was derived from\\nBA000022.\\nPotential protein coding regions were assigned on the basis of\\nsimilarity search of the ORFs and GeneMark analysis.\\nAnnotation was added by the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation\\nPipeline (released 2013). Information about the Pipeline can be\\nfound here:\\n\\n##Genome-Annotation-Data-START##\\nAnnotation Provider                    :: NCBI\\nAnnotation Date                        :: 08/17/2015 19:20:20\\nAnnotation Pipeline                    :: NCBI Prokaryotic Genome\\n                                          Annotation Pipeline\\nAnnotation Method                      :: Best-placed reference\\n                                          protein set; GeneMarkS+\\nAnnotation Software revision           :: 3.0\\nFeatures Annotated                     :: Gene; CDS; rRNA; tRNA;\\n                                          ncRNA; repeat_region\\nGenes                                  :: 3,673\\nCDS                                    :: 3,602\\nPseudo Genes                           :: 23\\nCRISPR Arrays                          :: 3\\nrRNAs                                  :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S)\\ncomplete rRNAs                         :: 2, 2, 2 (5S, 16S, 23S)\\ntRNAs                                  :: 41\\nncRNA                                  :: 1\\nFrameshifted Genes                     :: 13\\nFrameshifted Genes On Monomer Runs     :: 3\\nFrameshifted Genes Not On Monomer Runs :: 2\\n##Genome-Annotation-Data-END##\\nCOMPLETENESS: full length." .
<>	insdc:location	"1..3573470" .
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	1 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	3573470 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"1148" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Taxonomy .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	obo:RO_0002162	<> .  # RO:in taxon
<>	insdc:organism	"Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803" .
<>	insdc:mol_type	"genomic DNA" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Gene .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000704 .  # SO:gene
<>	obo:RO_0002162	<> .  # RO:in taxon
<>	rdfs:label	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	skos:prefLabel	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	insdc:locus_tag	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	insdc:old_locus_tag	"slr0611" .
<>	obo:so_part_of	<> .
<>	insdc:location	"join(3573271..3573470,1..772)" .
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	1 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	3573470 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<urn:uuid:71d18150-ece2-467c-b20e-bce5fae79240>	sio:SIO_000300	1 .  # sio:has-value
<urn:uuid:71d18150-ece2-467c-b20e-bce5fae79240>	sio:SIO_000628	<> .  # sio:refers-to
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Exon .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000147 .  # SO:exon
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	3573271 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	3573470 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<urn:uuid:b9dd7cbc-b072-4954-9e90-56e52ef0cf69>	sio:SIO_000300	2 .  # sio:has-value
<urn:uuid:b9dd7cbc-b072-4954-9e90-56e52ef0cf69>	sio:SIO_000628	<> .  # sio:refers-to
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Exon .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000147 .  # SO:exon
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	1 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	772 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	obo:so_has_part	<>, <> .
<>	sio:SIO_000974	<urn:uuid:71d18150-ece2-467c-b20e-bce5fae79240>, <urn:uuid:b9dd7cbc-b072-4954-9e90-56e52ef0cf69> .  # sio:has-ordered-part
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Coding_Sequence .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000316 .  # SO:CDS
<>	obo:RO_0002162	<> .  # RO:in taxon
<>	rdfs:label	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	skos:prefLabel	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	insdc:locus_tag	"SGL_RS01875" .
<>	insdc:old_locus_tag	"slr0611" .
<>	insdc:inference	"EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:SwissProt:P72580.2" .
<>	insdc:note	"Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." .
<>	insdc:codon_start	1 .
<>	insdc:transl_table	11 .
<>	insdc:product	"Prenyl transferase" .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"WP_010871207.1" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Protein .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"GI:499173620" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:GI .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	sio:SIO_010081	<> .  # sio:is-transcribed-from
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000673 .  # SO:transcript
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000010 .  # SO:protein_coding
<>	obo:so_part_of	<> .
<>	insdc:location	"join(3573271..3573470,1..772)" .
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	1 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	3573470 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<urn:uuid:36968b10-c862-4eaf-8086-403e5a26eea3>	sio:SIO_000300	1 .  # sio:has-value
<urn:uuid:36968b10-c862-4eaf-8086-403e5a26eea3>	sio:SIO_000628	<> .  # sio:refers-to
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Exon .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000147 .  # SO:exon
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	3573271 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	3573470 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<urn:uuid:ede1f1e3-25d9-4058-a67d-a5963400abff>	sio:SIO_000300	2 .  # sio:has-value
<urn:uuid:ede1f1e3-25d9-4058-a67d-a5963400abff>	sio:SIO_000628	<> .  # sio:refers-to
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Exon .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000147 .  # SO:exon
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	1 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	772 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	obo:so_has_part	<>, <> .
<>	sio:SIO_000974	<urn:uuid:36968b10-c862-4eaf-8086-403e5a26eea3>, <urn:uuid:ede1f1e3-25d9-4058-a67d-a5963400abff> .  # sio:has-ordered-part
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Gene .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000704 .  # SO:gene
<>	obo:RO_0002162	<> .  # RO:in taxon
<>	rdfs:label	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	skos:prefLabel	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	insdc:locus_tag	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	insdc:old_locus_tag	"slr0612" .
<>	obo:so_part_of	<> .
<>	insdc:location	"937..1494" .
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	937 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	faldo:position	1494 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ForwardStrandPosition .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:ExactPosition .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Coding_Sequence .
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000316 .  # SO:CDS
<>	obo:RO_0002162	<> .  # RO:in taxon
<>	rdfs:label	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	skos:prefLabel	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	insdc:locus_tag	"SGL_RS01880" .
<>	insdc:old_locus_tag	"slr0612" .
<>	insdc:inference	"EXISTENCE: similar to AA sequence:RefSeq:WP_010871208.1" .
<>	insdc:note	"Uncharacterized RNA pseudouridine synthase slr0612; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: Protein Homology." .
<>	insdc:codon_start	1 .
<>	insdc:transl_table	11 .
<>	insdc:product	"hypothetical protein" .
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"WP_010871208.1" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:Protein .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	rdfs:seeAlso	<> .
<>	rdfs:label	"GI:499173621" .
<>	rdf:type	insdc:GI .
<>	sio:SIO_000068	<> .  # sio:is-part-of
<>	sio:SIO_010081	<> .  # sio:is-transcribed-from
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000673 .  # SO:transcript
<>	rdfs:subClassOf	obo:SO_0000010 .  # SO:protein_coding
<>	obo:so_part_of	<> .
<>	insdc:location	"937..1494" .
<>	faldo:location	<> .
<>	rdf:type	faldo:Region .
<>	faldo:begin	<> .
<>	faldo:end	<> .
<>	faldo:position	937 .
<>	faldo:reference	<> .




  • INSDC - GFVO オントロジー
  • objectProperty, datatypePropertyの利用、dct:identifier -- gfvo:hasIdentifierなど
  • .
  • .
  • .


  • Genbank形式ファイルを作る or GFVOを利用したRefSeq-RDFと同等のデータモデルを設計し、コンバーター開発する