- Query 1: クラス指定(テーブル指定)してそのテーブルのみから検索
- D2RQ
SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s ?p vocab:bs_data_9606_LC2ad . } LIMIT 100
SET net_write_timeout=600 SELECT `bs_data_9606_LC2ad`.`bs_data_id` FROM `bs_data_9606_LC2ad` SET net_write_timeout=60
- ontop
select * where { ?s ?p <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad> . } limit 100
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS "sQuestType", NULL AS "sLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `s`, 1 AS "pQuestType", NULL AS "pLang", 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' AS `p` FROM bs_data_9606_LC2ad QVIEW1 WHERE QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` IS NOT NULL ) SUB_QVIEW LIMIT 100
- Query 2: クラス指定(テーブル指定)してそのテーブルのみから検索(type指定も)
- D2RQ
SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s a vocab:bs_data_9606_LC2ad . } LIMIT 100
SET net_write_timeout=600 SELECT `bs_data_9606_LC2ad`.`bs_data_id` FROM `bs_data_9606_LC2ad` SET net_write_timeout=60
- ontop
select * where { ?s a <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad> . } limit 100
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS "sQuestType", NULL AS "sLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `s` FROM bs_data_9606_LC2ad QVIEW1 WHERE QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` IS NOT NULL ) SUB_QVIEW LIMIT 100
- Query 3: 複数テーブルにまたがるクエリ
- D2RQ
select * where { ?snv vocab:vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad_pos ?o . ?snv a vocab:vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad . ?tss vocab:tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad_pos ?o . ?tss a vocab:tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad . } limit 100
SET net_write_timeout=600 SELECT DISTINCT `T3_-889240557`.`id`, `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`pos`, `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` FROM `tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T3_-889240557`, `vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`, `vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T2_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`, `tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T4_-877924430` WHERE (`T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` = `T2_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` AND `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`pos` = `T3_-889240557`.`pos` AND `T3_-889240557`.`id` = `T4_-877924430`.`id`) SET net_write_timeout=60
- ontop
select * where { ?snv <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#pos> ?o . ?snv a <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad> . ?tss <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#pos> ?o . ?tss a <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad> . } limit 100
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS "snvQuestType", NULL AS "snvLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `snv`, 4 AS "oQuestType", NULL AS "oLang", CAST(QVIEW1.`pos` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8) AS `o`, 1 AS "tssQuestType", NULL AS "tssLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW2.`id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `tss` FROM vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad QVIEW1, tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad QVIEW2 WHERE QVIEW1.`id` IS NOT NULL AND QVIEW1.`pos` IS NOT NULL AND (QVIEW1.`pos` = QVIEW2.`pos`) AND QVIEW2.`id` IS NOT NULL ) SUB_QVIEW LIMIT 100
- Query 4: 複数テーブルにまたがるクエリ(Filter追加)
- D2RQ
select * where { ?snv vocab:vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad_pos ?o . ?snv a vocab:vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad . ?tss vocab:tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad_pos ?o . ?tss a vocab:tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad . FILTER (?o > 3000000 && ?o < 5000000) } limit 100
SET net_write_timeout=600 SELECT DISTINCT `T3_-889240557`.`id`, `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`pos`, `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` FROM `tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T3_-889240557`, `vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`, `vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T2_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`, `tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad` AS `T4_-877924430` WHERE (`T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` = `T2_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`id` AND `T1_vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad`.`pos` = `T3_-889240557`.`pos` AND `T3_-889240557`.`id` = `T4_-877924430`.`id`) SET net_write_timeout=60
- ontop
select * where { ?snv <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#pos> ?o . ?snv a <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad> . ?tss <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#pos> ?o . ?tss a <http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad> . FILTER (?o > 3000000 && ?o < 5000000) } limit 100
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS "snvQuestType", NULL AS "snvLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `snv`, 4 AS "oQuestType", NULL AS "oLang", CAST(QVIEW1.`pos` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8) AS `o`, 1 AS "tssQuestType", NULL AS "tssLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW2.`id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `tss` FROM vcf_inf_9606_chr1_LC2ad QVIEW1, tss_bincount_9606_chr1_LC2ad QVIEW2 WHERE QVIEW1.`id` IS NOT NULL AND QVIEW1.`pos` IS NOT NULL AND (QVIEW1.`pos` = QVIEW2.`pos`) AND QVIEW2.`id` IS NOT NULL AND ((QVIEW1.`pos` < 5000000) AND (QVIEW1.`pos` > 3000000)) ) SUB_QVIEW LIMIT 100
- Query 5: 全データ
select * where { ?s ?p ?o . } limit 100
- D2RQ
SET net_write_timeout=600 SELECT `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`id`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`obsExp`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`perCpg`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`gcNum`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`perGc`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`start`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`cpgNum`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`length`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`chr`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`name`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`end`, `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc`.`bin` FROM `cpg_bincount_9606_ucsc` SET net_write_timeout=60
- ontop
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS "sQuestType", NULL AS "sLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#chip_inf_9606_chr9_LC2ad_H3K4me3/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `s`, 1 AS "pQuestType", NULL AS "pLang", 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' AS `p`, 1 AS "oQuestType", NULL AS "oLang", 'http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#chip_inf_9606_chr9_LC2ad_H3K4me3' AS `o` FROM chip_inf_9606_chr9_LC2ad_H3K4me3 QVIEW1 WHERE QVIEW1.`id` IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS "sQuestType", NULL AS "sLang", CONCAT('http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf//ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad/', REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CAST(QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` AS CHAR(8000) CHARACTER SET utf8),' ', '%20'),'!', '%21'),'@', '%40'),'#', '%23'),'$', '%24'),'&', '%26'),'*', '%42'), '(', '%28'), ')', '%29'), '[', '%5B'), ']', '%5D'), ',', '%2C'), ';', '%3B'), ':', '%3A'), '?', '%3F'), '=', '%3D'), '+', '%2B'), ', '%22'), '/', '%2F')) AS `s`, 1 AS "pQuestType", NULL AS "pLang", 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' AS `p`, 1 AS "oQuestType", NULL AS "oLang", 'http://dbtss.hgc.jp/rdf/ontology#bs_data_9606_LC2ad' AS `o` FROM bs_data_9606_LC2ad QVIEW1 WHERE QVIEW1.`bs_data_id` IS NOT NULL UNION ALL ....